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<2015级>○硕士生:杨超兰 刘洋东

【来源: | 发布日期:2021-01-27 】














The road traffic system is an important framework of a city, and intersections are the key node of road traffic system. Various types of traffic flow converge at intersections, increasing the risk of traffic accidents. So there are important theoretical values and realistic meanings to study the traffic safety evaluation method of signalized intersections to improving safety and protecting the lives and property of our residents. Based on some related research, the dissertation introduced Traffic Safety Index of signalized intersections considering the factors of accident and studied the calculation method of the index by applying knowledge of traffic conflict technologies and system engineering.

Firstly, the traffic safety influence factors at signalized intersections were studied. Combined traffic microscopic simulation software (VISSIM) with Safety Surrogate Analysis Model (SSAM), a quantitative analysis of effects of traffic saturation, countdown lights and phase sequence on the intersection safety was made, and the number of traffic conflict at different traffic saturations are obtained. In the road characteristics, the influence of channelization on traffic safety is analyzed, and potential traffic conflict estimation model between right-turning vehicles and pedestrians is established. In the management and control, change interval and the shortest time of pedestrian crossing are selected as the important factors of traffic safety in the intersection signalization scheme, and reference value of the shortest all-red time and the shortest change interval at different intersection geometric features and driving speed is given. Then, the impact of non-motorized vehicles, road characteristics, management and control conditions, human behavior and environmental factors on the safety of intersections was discussed.

Secondly, based on road safety 4E process, the dissertation introduced traffic exposure and traffic conflict as the main factors of Traffic Safety Index. The calculation method of Traffic Safety Index of signalized intersections was constructed and the classification standard was obtained. Thirdly, three signalized intersections in Shanghai were selected as applications. The Traffic Safety Index and safety level at these intersections were obtained by the calculation method proposed in the dissertation. Then, two methods of Traffic Simulation and Expert Investigation Method were used separately to analyze the traffic safety level at the three intersections. The results showed that the traffic safety index and other two safety evaluation results are consistent.

Finally, the dissertation is summarized, the creative research achievements and other important research directions were pointed out.

Key Words:signalized intersection, Traffic Safety Index, traffic conflict, traffic exposure, Safety Surrogate Analysis Model







行程时间预测是ITS技术和先进的交通管理系统(Advanced transportation management systems, ATMS)发展和应用的重要组成部分,对于管理者制定主动交通管理政策和出行者规划合理高效的出行路径具有重要意义,也是推动交通流理论发展的重要理论研究方向。然而,城市道路行程时间受到交叉口信号控制、交通需求的动态性和不确定性及大量交通事件的影响而呈现出剧烈波动性和强随机性特点,使准确、稳健预测的难度大大增加。同时,随着机器学习领域的理论革新、高性能计算和大数据技术的逐渐兴起,深度学习渐渐从无法实现的概念发展成为可以超越众多模型实现准确预测和进行大规模应用部署的复杂机器学习模型,因而受到越来越多的研究者关注。









Travel time prediction is an important issue of the development and application of ITS techniques and Advanced Transportation Management Systems (ATMS). It is important for transportation managers to develop active traffic management policies , for traffic system users to plan reasonable and efficient travel routes, and for the development of theoretical research on traffic flow theory. However, travel time on urban road segments is characterized by drastic fluctuations and randomness due to signal control at intersections, dynamic and uncertainty of traffic demand and a large number of traffic incidents, which greatly increases the difficulty of accurate and robust prediction. At the same time, with the theoretical innovation in machine learning, the rise of high-performance computing and big data technologies, deep learning has gradually evolved from an unachievable concept to complex machine learning models that can surpass many models to achieve accurate prediction and large-scale application deployment. Therefore, more and more researchers are concerned on deep learning theory and applications.

The existing shallow learning prediction methods have the characteristics of vulnerability, shallowness, and finiteness. Many shallow learning models are difficult to accurately model sudden traffic events, and incapable of extracting rich features. They often perform well for predictions within a certain period of time, and therefore cannot be utilized to successfully solved the problem of travel time prediction of urban roads. Deep learning methods, however, are good at multi-level feature extraction and can model time-dependent data precisely. However, deep learning also faces the challenges of great training costs and difficulty in hyper-parameter optimization. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to establish deep learning models and methods for urban travel time prediction, to compare the representative shallow learning models and methods from the perspectives of stability and accuracy. The main research contents of this thesis are as follows:

1) Conduting in-depth comparative analysis of the development of both shallow and deep learning methods, and establishing a short-term dynamic prediction mechanism based on sliding time windows;

2) Proposing a LSTM-DNN deep learning model for urban road travel time prediction, and implementing classic shallow learning models (e.x., linear regression, ridge regression, LASSO regression, random forest) to perform a comprehensive comparison of prediction performance;

3) In order to construct an optimal deep learning model, this paper innovatively proposes a deep learning hyperparameter optimization method based on grid search, multiple prediction scenarios and multi-group training method. The multi-group training method can avoid randomness problem of the deep learning model. Experiments on 10 different prediction scenarios based on Shenzhen City’s urban road travel time data in 2017 is coducted to obtain comprehensive comparison of model performance for different hyperparameters.

4) A group of ensemble learning models with meta-learners based on shallow learning and deep learning models are established to explore whether the ensemble learning model can integrate the different features of shallow learning and deep learning models to improve the prediction of urban travel time.

Keywords: travel time prediction, deep learning, recurrent neural network, LSTM, hyperparameter optimization, ensemble learning