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<2012级>○博士生:朱晓波 张楠

【来源: | 发布日期:2021-01-27 】

















Since urban road traffic system is a complex system with high randomness, uncertainty and dynamics, network traffic flow is easily to be influenced by traffic emergency conditions under which segment capacity declines temporarily because of traffic events, including traffic accidents, vehicle breakdowns, road maintenance, bad weather and even natural disaster. After a traffic event happens on a road, traffic flow would evolve in different states. Urban network traffic flow states, including free flow state, congestion state and gridlock state, depend on many factors, such as traffic demand, supply, management, traffic control and information. The evolution of network traffic flow represents the space-time changing characteristics of path-level trips, including the formation and dissipation of congestion under traffic emergency conditions, network traffic states transfer, etc. It is significant for urban network management and control, emergency management and traffic information services to analyze the evolution of network traffic flow rapidly and accurately under traffic emergency conditions.

In this study, segment travel time is applied as the main parameter which is used to analyze the evolution of urban network traffic flow. First of all, some related theories and basic issues about traffic emergency conditions and segment capacity mutation are studies. On this basis traffic data under a traffic emergency condition are collected to analyze the effects of the traffic event on segment capacity and the evolution of network traffic flow based on experimental traffic theory. Then, mathematical analysis is applied to analyze the process of traffic flow evolution at the location where the traffic event happens. For the analysis of network traffic states under traffic emergency conditions, based on real traffic demand data, simulation experiments are applied. By combining simulation experiments and mathematical analysis, a traffic-isochrone map based method is proposed to analyze the transfer and changing characteristics of urban network traffic states under traffic emergency conditions. Finally, the effects of segment capacity mutation on network flow are analyzed from the travel path perspective. Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram and the proposed traffic-isochrone map are respectively applied to explore the relationships between network traffic states, traffic distributions and travel paths under traffic emergency condtions. The performance of these two methods are also analyzed.

The concepts of traffic events which cause traffic emergency conditions are illustrated in this study. The effects of different traffic events on segment capacity and network flow are analyzed theoretically based on previous studies. The types and characteristics of segment capacity mutation are concluded and the corresponding scenes of traffic emergency conditions are established, which is the foundation of analysis of network traffic flow evolution.

At the location where a traffic event happens, statistical data are used to analyze the characteristics of traffic flow under traffic emergency conditions and compare with normal conditions in previous studies, while few of them studied the effects of traffic events on segment capacity quantificationally. In this study, based on collected data, characteristics of traffic flow on different lanes are analyzed under traffic emergency conditions. Then, the change degrees of segment capacity for different lanes are analyzed quantificationally, which could provide reference to future studies. By comparing segment travel time with the threshold value of acceptable travel delay, the evolutions of queue length and travel time at the location where a traffic event happens are analyzed theoretically.

From the network-wide perspective, to analyze the evolution of network traffic flow under traffic emergency conditions, an approach based on traffic isochrones map which represents spatial distribution of travel time in an urban road network is proposed in this study. Based on introductions to definition and essential parameters of traffic isochrones map, four indexes are proposed to quantitatively analyze characteristics and evolution of network traffic flow under traffic emergency conditions and thereupon an analysis process is presented. Simulations are used to analyze the performance of the proposed approach. Results demonstrate that this traffic isochrones map based approach analyzes the evolution of network traffic flow under emergency conditions from both qualitative and quantitative aspects. The effects of traffic events on network flow are shown qualitatively and the locations of events are found quickly based on the changes in the traffic isochrones map, while the change degree and characteristics of network traffic flow are analyzed quantitatively using proposed travel time related indexes. In summary, the proposed approach provides a macroscopic view for the evolution of network traffic flow under traffic emergency conditions and is significant to emergency response and urban traffic management and control.

In this study, the relationship between network traffic states, traffic distributions and travel paths under traffic emergency conditions are further anazlyed to explore the

evolution mechanism of network traffic states. Based on previous studies, a computation method of segment capacity and a road impedance function under traffic emergency conditions are applied. Since traffic flow is dynamic, a dynamic traffic network is established and the Genetic Algorithm is applied to solve the dynamic path choice problem. Then, based on simulation experiments, Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram and the proposed traffic-isochrone map are respectively applied to explore the relationship between network traffic states and traffic distributions under traffic emergency conditions, and the performance of these two methods are analyzed. The Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram demonstrates the relation between network traffic states and traffic distributions from a macroscopic view. Under certain traffic demand, the more homogeneous the traffic distribution is, the better the network traffic state is. However, the spatial distribution of traffic flow in the network and the change characteristics of traffic states under traffic emergency conditions cannot be analyzed using this method. The traffic isochrones map based approach can be used to quantificationally analyze and compare the spatial distribution of traffic flow and traffic states of different districts under traffic emergency conditions at every time interval. Further, the change of travel paths, change trends of traffic flow in different districts and the evolution of network traffic states can be analyzed. Therefore, the proposed traffic isochrones map based approach reveals the evolution mechanism of network traffic states under traffic emergency conditions effectively.

Finally, the dissertation is summarized. The creative research achievements and other important research directions were pointed out.

Key Words:segment capacity mutation; traffic isochrones map; evolution of network traffic flow; segment travel time









类似于连续交通流的情况,考虑交通流内在作用机制的普遍性,将交通密度、交通流量和交通流波动速度作为信号控制交通流的特征变量来描述信号控制交通流本身随时间演变的动态特征。其次,由于信号控制因素的特殊性,通过划分信号控制交通流的状态模式来描述交通流在信号控制过程中的动态特征。充分考虑以上因素,本研究应用随机过程模型描述信号控制交通流动态过程中的不确定性和非线性性,该模型可以被看作是状态转换动态线性系统(Switching Linear Dynamic Systems,SLDS)。在该模型中,不仅考虑到交通流状态模式的随机动态过程,而且不同于连续交通流密度-流量的三角形关系模型,为了更好的描述现实交通流密度-流量关系的不确定性特征,本研究提出混合状态特征下的随机密度-流量关系模型(Stochastic Fundamental Diagram,SFD)。该SFD模型利用高斯分布作为实验分布近似描述现实信号控制交通流波动速度的不确定性。随后,从理论上论证了本研究提出的SFD模型可以近似的表示现实交通流的波动速度,更进一步应用现实数据对该结论进行了实证分析。

在交通流模型的应用过程中,需要考虑现实动态交通流分析时的数据观测条件制约。本研究选用信号控制路段上下游到达和消散的交通流流量作为观测数据。该数据是全时段的观测数据,但是受空间条件限制,只能作为局部交通流观测数据。另外对于信号控制交通流,该数据存在着“数据缺失问题”。应对以上问题,在该观测数据的条件下,本研究详细设计了信号控制交通流SLDS模型的贝叶斯框架。通过贝叶斯框架的学习能够解决局部观测和观测缺失的问题,利用观测数据推断出现实信号控制交通流的SFD模型,随时间变化的交通流特征参数和交通流状态模式序列。本研究采用马尔科夫-蒙特卡罗(Markov Chain Monte Carlo,MCMC)的随机数值模拟方法作为该贝叶斯框架的实验计算方法。

最后,选用NGSIM(Next Generation Simulation, NGSIM)数据和SLDS模型生成的模拟数据对信号控制交流的随机模型和贝叶斯框架的学习算法进行了测试和验证。测试结果表明:利用本研究提出的模型和相应的算法,将设计的信号控制路段上下游交通流观测数据作为训练的输入数据,计算算法可以收敛并且计算结果到达一定的精度要求。验证结果表明:利用本论文提出的模型和算法,选用信号控制路段上下游实际检测的到达和消散的交通流量观测数据作为训练的输入数据,可以推断出与现实交通流近似的实验交通流。在本论文中提出的模型和方法可以实现信号控制交通流的再现,作为信号控制,交通流预测以及交通管理的依据。





Modeling and analyzing the complexity of many dynamical phenomena oftraffic flow with the observation data is available which is is also the basis of traffic prediction, traffic control and traffic management.However, describing the dynamic characteristics of traffic flow accurately by using traffic flow model quickly becomes intractable.Although the observation methods continue to progress resulting in diversity observation data, but due tothe spatial and temporal characteristics of the traffic flow, it is still a great challenge to obtain comprehensive traffic flow observation samples directly. On the other hand, the traditional traffic flow model is difficult to apply to the variation characteristics of real traffic flow due to the limitation of observation conditions and data samples.Especially for the signaled traffic flow, because of the external factors of signal control, the evolution process of traffic flow includes the informationnotonlyfromthe traffic flow itself interaction and alsofrom thefeedback of signal control. So on the same observation conditions, the modeling analysis of signaled traffic flow is more complex than continuous flow.

In this thesis, by started modeling a stochastic process of signaled traffic flow, the stochastic simulation experiments algorithm belonged to the Experimental TrafficEngineering (ETE) approach is designed to obtain the approximate or equivalent results to the real traffic flow by combined with the observation data.

Similar to the continuous flow, the traffic density, traffic flow rate and traffic flow wave speed is used as the characteristic parameters of signaled traffic flow to describe the dynamic characteristics of the traffic flow evolving with time. Particular to the signal control factors, the dynamic process of traffic flow is described by the state mode of traffic flow. Then, the stochastic process model is established, which can be regarded as theSwitching Linear Dynamic Systems(SLDS). In this model, not only the stochastic dynamic process of the traffic flow state is considered, but also the stochastic density flow relation model is defined to describe the uncertain nature of the obsvered density-flow data, named Stochastic Fundamental Diagram (SFD), where the Fundamental Diagram (FD) of continuous flow is the the triangle model. The main purpose of the SFD is to use the Gauss distribution of traffic flow wave speed to approximat the one in reality which is not analytically tractable to be modeled by a function.The experimental method of the approximate distribution of the signaled traffic flow wave speed is theoretically demonstrated and numerical verified by real data.

In application of traffic flow model, it must be suitable for the dynamic of the actual traffic flow on the limit condition of observation. The traffic flow rate at the upstream and downstream boundaries of the road is used as observation data, which is the most common data and relatively easy to collect. Based on the stochastic traffic flow model above, the complete Bayesian framework is constructed. By given the observation data as training data with consideration of the unobservable and miss-observable problem, the Bayesian framework can deduce SFD model, traffic flow characteristic parameters sequence and traffic flow state mode sequence changed in times. Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm, a random numerical simulation method, is adopted for the Bayesian framework learning.

Finally, the Next Generation Simulation (NGSIM) data are used to test and verify the stochastic model of signaled traffic flow and the Bayesian framework learning algorithm.The test results show that the training algorithm can converge and the calculation results reach a certain precision requirement.The verification results show that with the training data, we could infer the experimental approximation results with the actual traffic flow of traffic flow. The model and method proposed in this thesis could realize the‘reappearance’of signaled traffic flow, where the results could be the basis of signal control, traffic flow prediction and traffic management.

In addition, the method proposed in this thesis needs to be further validated in a diverse data environment. In the thesis, it started with the basic external conditions of signaled traffic flow, such as road and signal control, so it is necessary to continue to consider a more complex situation to improve the applicability of the method. This thesis is a preliminary attempt of modeling and experimental methods of traffic flow in the theoretical system of Experimental Traffic Engineering, which still need further research and exploration.

KeyWords:Experimental TrafficEngineering, Stochastic Traffic Flow, Stochastic Fundamental Diagram, Traffic signal control, Bayesian Learning,Markov Chain Monte Carlo