High traffic demand coupled with unbalanced directional flows on roadways exacerbates the perennial problem of congestion, which has been one of the most depressing and challenging problems throughout the world. How to efficiently utilize the existing transportation network has been one of the most important issues faced by transportation professionals as congestion on roadways in the cities continues getting worse and the land for road construction is limited. In this paper, a series of capacity enhancement control methods for urban streets have been proposed based on the coordination optimization of lane reorganization and signal control concept, They are discussed from three different levels, including node, arterial, and network.
The roadway capacity is affected by both geometric design and signal-timing design. Since the geometric design is a more stable component in a traffic control system, its construction is harder to be varied than flexible parameters such as signal settings. Therefore, engineers have been engaged in more researches on the development and implementation of traffic signal control methods, which is called the “time management” method. However, from the system analization point of view, the geometric element should be integrated into the unified optimization framework to obtain a better control result. In this paper, a series of integrated optimization model are proposed to discuss the right-of-way assignment for traffic flow on time and space. They aim to address the following critical question that has long challenged transportation authorities during traffic management, namely: given the target transportation network and demand distribution how to select the most appropriate scheme of the reorganization of lane configurations and signal timings to enhance the facility capacity.
In the node level, the conventional optimization procedure is determining the following parameters step by step, including the permission of the movements, the layout of approach lanes and exit lanes, the lane assignment, and the signal timing. For each step, an alternative design is proposed to simultaneously optimize the geometric design and signal timing. They are dynamic lane assignment model, the exit-lanes for left-turn (EFL) control model, and the median u-turn intersection (MUTI) optimization model. These optimization models could be formulated as linear or non- linear programmings. Furthermore, their performances are evaluated through both numerical analysis and VISSIM simulation.
In the link and arterial level, the research focuses on the optimization assignment of lanes in segment. Two coordination optimization methods are proposed: operation of closely joined intersections using dynamic reversible lane control, and integrated design and operation of urban arterials with reversible lanes. The two optimization models could be formulated as a mixed integer linear programming and a mixed integer non-linear programmings, respectively. Moreover, the performances of the integrated models are evaluated through both numerical analysis and simulation.
In the network level, since the research scope is further extended, the combination of traffic management strategies, such as lane reversal, one-way street, turning restriction, and crossing elimination strategy, are more diversified and complex. Two optimization methods are proposed: network enhancement model with integrated lane reorganizationand traffic control strategies and dynamic turning restrication control. The former could be formulated as a bi-level structure with a mix integer non-linear programming problem at the upper-level, which aims to maximize the reserved capacity for the given network, and a parametric variational inequality at the lower-level, which specifies the destination distribution and route choice behaviors. And the latter could be formulated as a mixed integer linear programming. Moreover, numerical analyses are conducted to evaluate the performance the proposed model.
This paper proposes a coordination optimization method with the objective to enhance network capacity relieve congestion. The main idea is to intergrate the space elements, including number of lanes on each link, the permission of movements at intersections, lane-use assignment, etc, and the time elements, including phase plan, cycle length, green time ratio, offset, etc, in a unified framework and optimize simultaneously. The results of extensive numerical analysis and simulation show that these control methods could squeeze more capacity out of a road network and utilize the existing infrastructure more efficiently.
Key Words:Capacity, Coordination Optimization, Lane Reorganization, Signal Control, Non liner programming, Bi-level programming
为了解决城市交通问题,在宏观上,常规解决方案是增加基础设施建设以增加运能,然而由于城市空间限制,交通基础设施的建设速度赶不上车辆增加的速度,仅仅使用增加基础设施建设的方法无法完全解决日益严重的城市交通问题。在微观上,交叉口作为城市道路交通网络的节点结构,交通控制是调控交通流、提高安全性、缓解交叉口阻塞的主要措施,但传统的信息采集方式不能提供全面准确的交通控制信息,使得现状交通模式下交通控制出现响应滞后、绿灯空放等现象,影响交叉口运行效率。以车路协同系统(Connected Vehicle)为代表的信息交互技术目前已经在国内外得到了初步实现。信息交互环境一方面可以为交通控制提供更精确实时的交通需求数据,另一方面为综合考虑车辆行驶状态和交叉口信号配时进行协同优化提供了可能。本文针对城市道路交通控制亟需改善的现实需求,基于智能交通系统发展可预见的技术条件及走向,分别从连线及通道、节点两种尺度,面向常规交通、绝对优先、适时优先三类通行需求,并按照信号配时适应车辆、信号配时与车辆行驶协同优化两种思路对城市道路交通协同控制方法展开了研究。
Traffic control is aiming at mitigating traffic congestion, improving traffic safety and energy-saving by adjusting the time and space allocation of right-of-way on the road network. Due tothe limitation of traditional traffic information content and collection methods, implementation techniques and optimization models, traffic control system does not match the increasing requirements of modern urban traffic network.With the advancement of the wireless communication technologies and the development of the vehicle to vehicle (V2V) and vehicle to infrastructure (V2V) systems, called Connected Vehicle or V2X, there is an opportunity to optimize the operation of urban traffic network by cooperation between traffic signal control and driving behaviours. This dissertation proposed a series of cooperative optimization methods for urban streets traffic control and driving assistant under the V2X concept. The basic idea is enabling the adaption between both traffic lights and vehicles. These proposed methods are designed to serve different priority demand, and are discussed from two levels, including arterial and individual intersection.
To begin with, this research designed and developed the prototype of experimental V2X system for traffic control use, improved the vehicle positioning performance by vehicle trajctory reckoning method, and defined the content and format of vehicle and traffic signal control broadcasting message set, as the technical basis for the whole research. Then, this research looked into the data and interaction features of V2X system, analyzed its impact on traffic control, and summerized the basic demand, constraints, conctrol(guide) objects and optimiaztion objectives of cooperative traffic control under V2X environment.
In the link and arterial level, this research focused on simultaneously optimization of signal phase sequence, offset and traveling speed of vehicles by speed adaption. Since the speed adaption and traffic signal timings interact with each other, this research proposed a cooperative optimization model incorporating both traffis sigal paremeters and vehicle speed, aiming at minimize total delay or total stops for the coordinated arterials. In addition, a solution method was designed in this research to reduce the calculation time.
In the individual intersection level, this research take general traffic, extreme high priority vehicle (Emergency Vehicle) and common priority vehicle(transit buses) into consideration. For general traffic, by utilization of the high resolution vehicle data provided by V2X system, astage-by-stage updated control policy was developed to respond the slight variation of traffic arrivals by cutting or extending the green time for each stage. For emergency vehicles, this research proposed a dynamic traffic signal preemption strategy to reduce emergency vehicle’s delay at intersection and meanwhile appropriatelyswitch the traffic signal phase to achive less negative impacts on general traffic. For transit signal priority, this research proposed a cooperative bus priority method based on the communication capability of V2X system. Through communications between buses and roadside infrastructure, buses will be able to proceed unimpeded through an intersection not only by changing the traffic light, but also by notifying the driver an optimal driving speed or an appropriate time to leave a bus stop.
Finally, these aforementioned methods were evaluated by numerical analysis, simulation and field test with the proposed prototype of experimental V2X system in the real traffic environment. Test results indicate that these proposed traffic control methods can improve traffic efficiency of urban streets in terms of delay, stops and the signal priority’s negative impacts on general traffic.
Key Words: Traffic control, Connected Vehicle, V2X, Traffic Signal Coordination, Traffic Sigal Priority, Field Test
Urban traffic congestion has been a difficult problem to solve for relevant authorities and scholars. Most of the congestions are caused by the imbalance between supply and demand. On one hand, the shortage of available land resources can’t afford more road or road widening. On the other hand, the traffic control of general traffic can increase capacity of urban roads. but in the long run, traffic control still not able to solve the imbalance between supply and increasing demand. Providing highly reliable public transit services has been widely realized as an effective way to reduce traffic pressure on congested urban roads. Most of the large and medium-sized cities has implement traffic priority systems. To improve the reliability of transits, transit signal priority (TSP) and dedicated bus lane (DBL) were proposed to optimize the allocation of space and time resources on road. The DBLs provide dedicated lanes to avoid mixing buses with general traffic, and with TSP, buses can pass the intersection with a requested priority signal phase. Due to their low-cost feature and effectiveness for mitigating traffic congestion, DBL and TSP have become pervasive throughout the major cities in the world. Especially in China, among the 70 major cities, more than 80% of them have DBLs and 40% of them have bus rapid transit (BRT) or trams that are often provided with TSP. However, the effectiveness of control still need enhancement. The detection and control methods are fixed,which means transit can only be detected at a certain position and controlled by intersection controllers. The precision of detection and control is not enough for precise control, which lead to failure of priority response. Therefore, it is necessary to develop advanced and effective transit optimizing theories and methods.
Firstly, this research introduces the classification and developing status of transit priority implementation in China. Analysis the signal control under connected vehicle environment, and introduce the environment to transit priority to establish a platform and environment for transit priority. Illustrate the insufficiency in the existing control system and the advantage brought by connected vehicle environment.
Proposes a series of control parameters in the process control of transit priority, the method of priority time quantization and the method of estimating the effectiveness of the signal priority control method.
To overcome the drawbacks of transit priority, this paper focused on providing bus priority on dedicated bus lanes as well as maximizing the capacity of intersections. This research focuses on combining transit priority, lane assignment, traffic signal control and traffic management in the method. Traffic signal control and lane assignment effect each other and also provide wider optimization space. This research focuses on the time-space coordinated control and proposed four coordinated optimization control method. Utilizing the concept of IBL and proposed an intermittent bus lane for left-turn (IBLFL) method to increase the capacity of signalized intersections, in which the dedicated bus lane in the middle of the road can be intermittently used for general left-turn traffic. The IBLFL method considered both operation constraints of buses and general traffic by coordination among bus operation, intersection main signal and the pre-signal at IBLFL entering area. Test results drawn from time-space diagram and simulation evaluation show that the proposed IBLFL approach performed well in terms of increasing the capacity of intersection and reducing average delay for both transit and general traffic. Another research presents an integrated optimization (IO) model to improve the performance of intersections with dedicated bus lanes. The IO model integrated geometry layout, main-signal timing, pre-signal timing and transit priority. The test results indicate that the proposed model can increase capacity and reduce delay of general traffic when providing priority to buses. Based on the IBLFL methods, this research proposes a method responding multi-priority request. The method integrated dedicated bus lane assignment, main signal control and pre-signal control. With this method, buses from conflict directions can receive priority and the adverse impact to general buses is minimized.
This paper proposes a coordinated transit optimizing control based on dedicated bus lane. the method focused on the whole operation process of transits and established a series control parameters. The mean idea of the research is to integrate time (main signal control, pre-signal control, travel speed of transit, and etc.) and space (dedicated bus lane assignment and general traffic lane assignment) factors in a unified framework and receive a global optimum, which benefit both transit and general traffic.
Key Words: Traffic control, public transport, Connected Vehicle, V2X, Traffic Signal Coordination, Traffic Sigal Priority
In recent years, public attention to environmental pollution and energy shortage is growing rapidly. In the United States, the transportation sector uses up nearly 75% of petroleum and emits the second largest carbon dioxides. Research findings indicate that bad driving behaviors constitute the major contribution to carbon emission and petroleum consumption. To reduce resource wastage and alleviate environmental problems, alternations of those inappropriate driving behaviors are suggested and referred to as eco-driving.
Leveraging DSRC technology, approaching vehicles’ speeds, positions, and other information associated with signal data could be obtained at a signalized intersection, which makes it possible to optimize vehicle movement status realize eco-driving.
This paper proposes a series of connected-vehicle control strategies to satisfy the needs of safety and efficacy with different control models of intersections. Besides, these algorithms also make traffic environmental friendly.
Firstly, this paper develops a dynamic vehicular speed control algorithm towards eco-driving at a signalized intersection using the connected-vehicle technology. The proposed algorithm considers the running status of the target vehicle as well as the impact of the downstream vehicles (if exists) and the signal control in real-world traffic environment. Acceleration/deceleration profile, instead of speed trajectories, is optimized for speed guidance. Illustrative examples are provided to validate the proposed algorithm. Results indicate that the proposed control algorithm is effective to minimize the fuel consumption and emission of the target vehicle under various test scenarios. Sensitivity analyses with respect to the impact of initial speeds of the target vehicle on the speed control performance are also conducted.
Secondly, the research advances an eco-driving speed control algorithm for a platoon of vehicles at a signalized intersection. Acceleration/deceleration profile, instead of speed trajectories, is used as the optimization objective to minimize idling and to maximize the chance of vehicles clearing the intersection during the green light. Both the running status of the target platoon and the impact of the downstream platoon are considered in the proposed algorithm. Considering a platoon composed of vehicles obeying or disobeying the speed guidance, the proposed algorithm regroups vehicles into new platoons according to their permutations. Three illustrative examples are presented to validate the proposed algorithm.
Thirdly, a gap-based automated vehicular speed control algorithm towards eco-driving at an unsignalized intersection is proposed. The algorithm takes the acceptable gaps as green times and unacceptable gaps as well as vehicle lengths (measured by time) as red times. It also considers the running status of the target vehicle as well as the impact of the downstream vehicles (if exist) and the dynamic gap-acceptance conditions in the real-world traffic environment. Acceleration and deceleration profiles, instead of speed trajectories, are optimized for speed guidance. Illustrative examples are provided to validate the proposed algorithm. Results indicate that the proposed control algorithm is effective to prevent conflicts at the unsignalized intersection while minimizing fuel consumption and emission of target vehicles under various test scenarios.
Finally, the research develops an automated speed guidance algorithm to prevent high-speed vehicles approaching a signalized intersection from being trapped into a dilemma zone while maintaining their eco-driving profiles. Considering vehicular speed fluctuation, a speed range instead of an accurate speed is used for speed guidance. In addition, a vehicle’s acceleration/deceleration time is constrained to prevent long time active speed alteration. Results from illustrative examples validate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
In summary, various connected vehicle control algorithms towards corresponding control type of intersections realize eco-driving theoretically. So it is useful to support theoretical base for applying these algorithms in real world.
Key Words:connected vehicle, eco-driving, speed control, traffic engineering
The amount of motor vehicles and correspondent travel demand are continuously increasing with economic and social development. The frequent occurrence of traffic congestion in urban road network has negative impacts on economy and environment. Due to the limited land resources of large cities and restrictions to transportation infrastructure construction from socio-economic factors, to apply traffic management and control measures in a reasonable and effective way, improve the efficiency of existing transportation facilities, and accommodate the growing traffic demand in big cities have become significant research contents for counteracting urban traffic congestion. Incidents (perturbation) in urban road network are the major cause for the structural mismatches of traffic supply and demand in road network, leading to large-scale traffic congestion. Therefore, counteracting incidents (perturbation) becomes the key problem needed to be solved urgently in the field of traffic control research. This thesis (i) summaries active control mechanism of urban road network based on the acquisition and analysis techniques for the network traffic situation; (ii) discusses active control theory of urban road network with the incidents (perturbation) in-depth from the aspects of counteracting static and dynamic perturbation; and (iii) establishes a series of active control method for improving traffic operation efficiency in urban road network.
Network traffic situation is one of the important input parameters in traffic control theory. Network traffic situation and traffic signal control are closely related to each other and affected by each other. From systematic viewpoint, preferable traffic control performances can be obtained by analyzing the real-time information of network traffic flow. Traffic data collected by traffic detectors are incorporated into the control mechanism aiming at control for incidents-affected region. This thesis proposes a practical road section speed estimation method based on floating-vehicle detectors and presents analysis method for network traffic situation, which can provide inputs for proposed active control theory.
The essence of active control problem in urban road network is the dynamic optimization problem. That is, the optimal control problem for complex system. Based on a macroscopic model of urban road network control, this thesis analyzes the basic conceptions of active control for urban road network. Considering urban road network with static or dynamic perturbation caused by incidents as control object, this research discusses basic concept of the urban road network active control problem.
For static perturbation in urban road network, this thesis develops a perimeter control strategy for an urban road network to maximize its throughput when static perturbation, i.e. incidents, occur. The proposed perimeter control strategy derives its effectiveness due to two characteristics. First, the control target, i.e., the optimal inflow rate of the incident-affected network, is adjusted online based on the network traffic situation, i.e. Network Exit Function, that is updated dynamically using realtime traffic data. The incident-dependent control target precludes the overestimation of the capacity of the incident-affected network. Second, the proposed perimeter control strategy applies the proportional-integral-derivative controller, which enhances control stability and is easy to implement using the adaptively-updated control targets. Simulation-based experiments are used to investigate the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy in improving the network throughput when incident occur. The results demonstrate that the proposed strategy can enhance the average speed of traffic withstatic perturbation.
Aiming at the dynamic perturbation in urban road network, i.e. the special traffic flow, this thesis proposes adegree-of-priority basedpriority control method to reduce the impact on conventional traffic flow while guaranteeing the demand of special traffic flow. A multi-layer fuzzy partition model for special traffic flow’s degree-of-priorityis established based on the specific traffic demand intensity and priority control intensity. Travel time of special traffic flow after classification can then be estimated. Finally, the degree of priority and travel time estimates are taken as the main inputs for optimizing special traffic flow priority control path and priority control method. Numerical studies and simulations are employed to evaluate control performance of the proposed method.
This thesis studies network traffic situation analysis methods for the incident-affected region of urban road network. Based on the proposed method, this thesis develops the active control mechanism for incident-affected region. Aiming at active control problem for static and dynamic perturbation, a series of active control theories and methods have been proposed to improve the efficiency of incident-affected network. Numerical studies and simulations are employed to evaluate control performance proposed by this thesis.